CTIF events
Invitation CTIF Meeting WG voluntary fire service
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
on behalf of CTIF Vice-President Fire Chief Hubert Vetter I may forward the invitation and the agenda of the first meeting of the CTIF working group „voluntary fire service“ which will take place in the City of Salzburg, Austria from February 13th to February 15th. In case of participation please book your hotel room until February 1st (please see the attached invitation for further details) and confirm your attendance with a short message to froeschl@... Read more
22nd meeting of the International Study Group for the History of the Fire Service and the Fire Protection
The 22nd meeting of the International Study Group for the History of the Fire Service and the Fire Protection is from 30th of Sept. till 4th of Oct. 2014 in Celle / Germany.
Conference Topic: Fire Brigade Schools.
Within this meeting we have the meeting of the history commission on Oct. 1st 2014.
Start up meeting for the new group COMMISSION FOR EXTRICATION & NEW TECHNOLOGY
For the participants the organizers can offer a room and breakfast for a special price: €135,00
On the 3th of December the Center of Expertise is offering lunch in the evening in the famous restaurant ‘Het Pand’ in the historical center of Ghent.
To participate in the meeting please send the notification to:
Tom Van Esbroeck
e-mail: tom.VanEsbroeck@Gent.be
and with copy to:
... Read more
International scientific meeting of the CTIF Health Commission
In the context of international fire fighter competition organized in France from 15 to 21 July 2013, the CTIF Health Commission in partnership with the European Society of Fire fighter Medicine organize a international scientific meeting on 18 of July 2013.
The program for this day is as follows:
9:00 am Opening by the CTIF President and the President of the European Society of fire fighter medicine
... Read moreCTIF 2013 Mulhouse
15th International Fire Brigade Competition
19th International Meeting for Cadet-Corps of Fire Brigades
14th to 21st July 2013 in Mulhouse, France