CTIF Delegates Assembly 2016

Mittwoch, 7. September 2016 (All day) to Freitag, 9. September 2016 (All day)
Helsinki, Finland

Programme, information and registration for the event:


Proposal for establishing a new CTIF committee: ICT in fire and rescue services

Samstag, 3. September 2016 (All day)

Proposal for establishing a new CTIF committee:
ICT in fire and rescue services

At the CTIF-General Assembly, held on 3.9.2015 in Zagreb, proceedings were initiated to establish a committee that will deal with items and challenges of implementing Informatik-communication technologies (ICT) in fire and rescue services.

Vision: Development and implementation of informatics- and communication technologies in fire- and rescue services in CTIF member countries

Mission: Application of up-to date informatics and communication systems in order to ease the work of fire- and rescue services. Deal with all integral parts of ICT-systems (Software, Hardware, Netware, Lifeware, Orgware, Dataware). Enable the use of ICT systems, connection and coordination of various organizations responsible for rescue and protection of people and property. Education of fire- and rescue stuff on all levels in order to enable efficient use of available ICT tools.

The main issues of the ICT- committee of the CTIF are the following:

  • International cooperation of ICT experts in the field of fire and rescue services;
  • Analyzing the current state of use of ICT-technologies in different areas of application in fire and rescue services;
  • Exchange of experiences and the development of new products and services in cooperation with organizations/companies/manufacturers;
  • Working out ways of using modern technologies in fire and rescue services;
  • Training and education of fire- and rescue stuff in the area of ICT.

The main topics of the ICT committee of the CTIF are:

  • Databases
  • Analyzing databases used in fire and rescue services (material and human resources, operations, educations and activities, geographic and meteorological data, hazardous materials, video- and satellite surveillance)
  • Standardization of databases
  • Use and sharing of data between different countries
  • GIS systems
  • Analysis of the existing GIS systems
  • Making recommendations how to use GIS in fire and rescue services
  • Standardization of GIS layers
  • In coordination with the manufacturers adaptation of the GIS systems to the fire and rescue services
  • Use of GPS tracking for vehicles and firefighters
  • Operational call centers of fire and rescue services
  • Analysing of the existing systems
  • Suggestions of standardization of technical solutions
  • Standardization of work processes
  • Standardization of ICT equipment
  • Use of modern technology in managing firefighting interventions
  • Application of modern IT technologies
  • Hardware
  • Check and make recommendations of use of existing hardware
  • Simulators
  • Use of (3D) simulators in education of firefighters and fire officers
  • Use of simulators in an accident with dangerous goods and forest fires (expansion and propagation simulators)
  • Communications
  • Analyzing and best practices proposals for telecommunication solutions
  • Analyzing and best practices proposals for radio communications solutions
  • Alarming of fire- and rescue services and citizens
  • Analyzing of new technical solutions and proposing ways of their implementation
  • Unmanned aircraft and surveillance systems
  • Technical specifications and use of drones
  • Technical specifications  and use of video surveillance systems
  • Close cooperation with other CTIF commissions/committees (examples)
  • Education and training (e-learning, use of simulators in education)
  • Hazardous materials (HAZMAT databases and applications, propagation models, surveillance of traffic)
  • Forest fires (propagation models and simulators, use of ICT technologies in forest fires)
  • ICT education
  • Analyzing of the current state of ICT training in fire and rescue services
  • Proposal of a curriculum for training of fire- and rescue stuff in the field of ICT
  • The introduction of e-learning in the educational system
  • Data protection and security
  • Data protection in data - bases
  • Legal protection of data
  • Security systems and security codes
  • Threats and risks for ICT applications
  • Future technologies
  • How to introduce and use  modern consumer electronics in fire and rescue services (google glass, HUD,  smartphones, smart homes, fitness trackers)
  • Support of CTIF-office and member states and accompanying members
  • Use of different services in order to improve the functioning of the CTIF (web, DropBox, DMS, Trello etc.)

Way of work:
Tasks are defined and described at the meetings.
Work is carried out individually or in small groups

Presentation of work

  • Report on Annul Delegates Assembly
  • CTIF newsletter
  • CTIF-web page and web-page of ICT committee of CTIF

Interested persons who would like to take part on the meeting should contact the organizer of the meeting:

Mario Starčević, Croatian Firefighting Association, mario.starcevic@hvz.hr, tel: +385 1 3689 168

If there will be enough interest for participation, the first meeting would be organized on the following place:

Date of 1. Meeting of ICT group of CTIF: 14. – 15. 4. 2016. Beginning on 14.4. at 14:00
Place: Hotel Ambasador, Opatija, Croatia
Special price for hotel Ambasador: 499 kn/night (single room)

Way of communication:
The meetings are organized twice a year, with member countries serving as hosts on a rotating basis.
Other ways of communication:

  • E-mail;
  • Conference calls
  • Collaboration tools

Mario Starčević
Secretary of the Operative-technical Headquarter
of the Croatian Firefighting Association

Delegates Assembly summary

The CTIF Delegates Assembly and symposium 2015 took place in Zagreb, Croatia. The Croatian organisers had gone to great lengths to create an entirely successful event with conference arrangements that ensured smooth running and ideal conditions for productive meetings as well as providing great cultural and culinaric nourishment for all. The program also included a reception hosted by the mayor of Zagreb, Mr. Milan Bandic. Our heartfelt thanks go to CTIF Vice President Ante Sanader, Mario Stracevic and their team in Zagreb.

The Delegates Assembly was presented with a number of reports from the Commissions and the Executive Committee and the CTIF Statistics Centre, which all gave evidence of the extensive activities in the past year. Some of the presentations will be available on our web site.

One of the presentations given was on the topic of research. CTIF is currently deeply involved in several projects and the DA decided to further strengthen CTIF’s position in research in Europe. Former VP Dennis Davis will continue to lead CTIF’s participation in EU-projects.


As four vice presidents completed their terms this year, four new vice presidents had to be elected. The DA elected Donald Bliss, USA, Milan Dubravac, Solovenia, Ole Hansen, Norway and Zdenek Nytra from the Czech Republic. We are convinced they will make great contributions to CTIF in their new roles as vice presidents and members of the Executive Committee.

The DA also re-elected General Secretary Michel Bour and vice president Ante Sanader.

The four vice presidents who left their positions this year are Aleksander Churpryan, Russia, Dennis Davis, UK, Luther Fincher, USA and Marketa Strzinkova. We thank them for their great dedication and service to the organisation. The DA decided to appoint the four honorary members of CTIF.

Best Practice Procedures

For the first time in history, CTIF gave out an award for Best Practice Procedures. Michel Gentilleau, France was given the award for the outstanding work he and his colleague Serge Delauney have carried out regarding new energies and vehicles.

Delegates Assembly 2016 in Finland

Lastly, Pentti Partanen, chair of the Finnish national committee, gave a presentation of the preparations of the Delegates Assembly meeting in 2016, which will take place in Helsinki Finland, 7-9 September. We are sure it will be another great CTIF event!


The symposium offered interesting presentations on a variety of topics ranging from SMART technology to statistics, drones and disaster response, to give a few examples. The presentations clearly showed that there is a lot of phenomenal development in the firefighting area and that CTIF has an important role to play as disseminator of information. The presentations will be available on our website shortly.

Thank you!

We would like to thank all those who participated at the DA and the symposium, the presenters, the exhibitors and the organisers and hope to see you soon again! In the meantime we all continue our work to further improve the world of firefighting.

Tore Eriksson
CTIF President

Newsletter 2015 - August

Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,

Hier wird die August CTIF Neuigkeiten nun in ein gemeinsames Dokument übersetzt.
Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen über Arbeitszeitrichtlinie der EU und die Unterstützungsbrief für die ISO-Projekt.

Best regards
Tore Eriksson, President

Support letter

The Commission for "Extrication and New Technology" works within ‘ISO’ (the International Organization for Standardization) to be able to harmonize information and training for the rescue services in the field by leading the ISO Working group 7 + Taskforce rescue information.

To strengthen our initiative, the Commission is now asking to the CTIF Delegates to consider their support by signing this support letter.

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