19 th meeting of the History Commission

Mercredi, 5. Octobre 2016 (All day)
Pribyslav, Czech Republic

Dear CTIF comrades.
I cordially invite you to the 19 th meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, 5 th October 2016 from 10.00 to 16.00 to the Fire Brigade Movement Centre Pribyslav, Czech Republic.

1. Report of the Chairman and the members, activities 2015/2016
2. Certification of fire brigade museums, report state of affairs (Schamberger)
3. Certification of historical fire brigades vehicles, report state of affairs (Sallaberger)
4. Venues and topics for the coming conferences (2017 = 25 th conference)
5. Archive of the CTIF, museum of the CTIF, further activities
6. Various things

Following to the 19 th meeting of our Commission, the 24 th conference of the International Study Group from the 6 th to 8 th October also will take place in Pribyslav.
I hope that you can take part in the 19 th meeting and in the 24 th conference.

With comradely greetings
Peter Schmid