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Incoming CTIF events

Mercredi, 20. Mai 2015 (All day) to Dimanche, 24. Mai 2015 (All day)

Hazardous materials commission 45th meeting

Dimanche, 19. Juillet 2015 (All day) to Dimanche, 26. Juillet 2015 (All day)

XX. International Youth Fire Fighters Gathering

The announcement of the 20th International Youth Fire Fighters Gathering is made following approval by the executive council of the CTIF.

The 20th IYFG will take place from Sunday, July 19 through Sunday, 26 July 2015 in OPOLE / Poland, under the auspices of the International Youth Leaders Commission of CTIF.

The local Association of Volunteer Fire Departments of the Republic of Poland is responsible for the organisation of the event.

The organization's management for the CTIF accepts the chairman of the International Youth Leaders Commission, Jörn-Hendrik KUINKE.

... Read more

Samedi, 25. Juillet 2015 (All day), Vendredi, 16. Octobre 2015 (All day)

Youth fire brigade commission meetings 2015

17. April till 19. April 2015 in Opole (Poland)

25. July 2015 in Opole (Poland)

16. October till 18. October 2015 in Portugal


Mercredi, 2. Septembre 2015 -
8:30 to 16:00

Forest fires commission education on forest-fires simulator in Zagreb, Croatia

To members of the CTIF forest-fires commission
TO CTIF-members

Dear all,

I hereby formally invite you to participate on the CTIF Forest Fires Commission´s education on a wildland simulator in Zagreb, Croatia.

The education on the simulator will take place on 2nd September  2015 (Wednesday) from 8.30-16.00 h in the professional Fire Brigade of Zagreb, Savska cesta 1, 10 000 Zagreb-Croatia (please register on the attached registration form till 14.8.2015.). The education is organized by the French Fire-Fighting School of Valabre, supported by the EU-project “... Read more

Jeudi, 3. Septembre 2015 (All day) to Vendredi, 4. Septembre 2015 (All day)

General Assembly and the Symposium of the CTIF

All info is published on event site http://ctif2015zagreb.hvz.hr

Jeudi, 10. Septembre 2015 (All day) to Samedi, 12. Septembre 2015 (All day)

Hazardous materials commission 46th meeting

To all representatives of the CTIF Hazardous Materials Commission

Dear Representative!

On behalf of the Polish Association, we hereby formally invite you to the 46 th CTIF Hazardous Materials Commission meeting. The meeting will take place from 10 th - 12 th September 2015 in Warsaw, Poland.
We will discuss the standard items of the commission (lessons learned and national reports) and also the products of the working groups.

The following topics from our last meetings will be also taken up by us in Warsaw:

  • Response to LNG incidents
  • Review of Ebola... Read more
Samedi, 25. Juillet 2015 (All day), Vendredi, 16. Octobre 2015 (All day)

Youth fire brigade commission meetings 2015

17. April till 19. April 2015 in Opole (Poland)

25. July 2015 in Opole (Poland)

16. October till 18. October 2015 in Portugal


Lundi, 19. Octobre 2015 (All day) to Mardi, 20. Octobre 2015 (All day)

Invitation to the 7th meeting of Women in fire and rescue services commission


Draft agenda for the 7th meeting Monday 19th – Tuesday 20th October 2015, 09:00 hours to 17:00 hours:

1. Introduction of participants
2. Approval of the agenda for the meeting
3. Approval of the minutes from the meeting in Stockholm, April 2015
4. Presentation from the Working Groups (Operational Firefighters and other roles in Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs))
Operational Firefighters: what kind of support do FRSs offer their employees in 24/7 shifts? (Mona Hjortzberg)
The aim is to summarize the support available.
Other roles in FRSs: what other roles... Read more

Lundi, 19. Octobre 2015 (All day)

Next meeting

Liebe Freunde!
_Dear Friends!_

Mit dieser Mail möchte ich Euch - für alle hoffentlich rechtzeitig genug - mitteilen, dass wir unsere nächste Sitzung am


durchführen werden.
So haben Alle Gelegenheit sich schon einmal ein Bild vom Austragungsort der nächsten Wettbewerbe zu machen.

Die Details zur Sitzung folgen im Laufe des Sommers.

Beste Grüße

_Dear Friends!_

_With this message I like to send the information - I hope in time for everyone - _
_that our next meeting... Read more

Lundi, 19. Octobre 2015 -
9:00 to 16:00

Kommissionssitzung Wettbewerbe

Im Zuge der Vorbereitung der XVI. Internationalen Feuerwehrwettbewerbe des CTIF 2017 und der XXI. Internationalen Jugendbegegnung des CTIF 2017 findet unsere nächste Sitzung am Austragungsort in/bei Villach/Kärnten/Österreich statt.
Somit bietet sich die Möglichkeit, die Region und die Stadt Villach, die Veranstaltungsstätten, sowie die verantwortlichen Organisatoren unserer Großveranstaltung schon einmal kennenzulernen.

Mit diesem Schreiben lade ich deshalb herzlich ein zur Kommissionssitzung Wettbewerbe am Montag, 19. Oktober 2015 im Hause der Feuerwehr Villach, Kasernengasse 3... Read more
