Commissions news and events
100th Meeting– International Youth Leader Commission Invitation
Dear Commissioners,
in the Annex you will be invited to the next meeting of the International Youth Leader Commission in Luxembourg.
Please note that the desired rooms are located directly in the hotel up to be booked on 6th October 2017.
As already discussed, we would like to invite former Commissioners on the occasion of the 100th Commission meeting. So that no one will forget, I ask for feedback, which former members of your nations are to be invited as honorable guests.
I then point out that the travel and accommodation costs must be taken over by the respective nation.
The Luxembourg airport can be used for arrival, the Luxembourg Youth Fire Brigade arrange a transfer from the airport to the hotel.
The agenda will be available at a later date.
Kind regards
Jörn-Hendrik Kuinke
Chairman CTIF international Youth Leader Commission
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einladung_ijlk_10.2017_d.pdf | 215.03 KB |
invitation_iylc_10.2017_engl.pdf | 203.31 KB |
program_10.2017.pdf | 135.05 KB |
programm_ijlk_10.2017.pdf | 137.43 KB |
Presentations and meeting minutes from 2017 meeting
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prague.2017.minutes.doc | 232 KB |
participants_list_ctif_2017_-_prague.xlsx | 11.03 KB |
prg_training_inspection_by_authorities_2017.pptx | 1.36 MB |
winteccon_ctif_airport_comission_20170617.pptx | 154.57 KB |
presentation_2016_mix.pptx | 1.41 MB |
closing_session_at.2017.05.pptx | 1.7 MB |
170615_ctif_airport-commission.pptx | 1.04 MB |
agenda_ctif_airport_commission_2017_prague.docx | 197.36 KB |
fo.rpro_.00076web_altmoc_form.docx | 92.8 KB |
finavia_prg_2017.pptx | 1.45 MB |
news_from_ctif.prague.2017.pptx | 38.1 KB |
easa_sib_2017-08_1_rffs_access.pdf | 350.71 KB |
ctif_2017_prague.pdf | 2.59 MB |
registration_ctif_2017.docx | 83.21 KB |
20. Sitzung der Kommission
Werte Kameradinnen und Kameraden, ich lade Sie herzlich zur 20. Sitzung der Kommission am Mittwoch, den 4.10.2017 von 10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr (Mittagspause ca. 12:00 Uhr) in das Feuerwehrbewegungszentrum Pribyslav, Tschechische Republik, ein.
1. Bericht des Vorsitzenden und der Mitglieder, Aktivitäten 2016/2017
2. Zertifizierung von Feuerwehrmuseen, Sachstandsbericht (Rolf Schamberger)
3. Zertifizierung von historischen Feuerwehrfahrzeugen, Sachstandsbericht (Johann Sallaberger)
4. Tagungsorte und Themen für die kommenden Tagungen Zukunft der Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Ingo Valentini)
5. Archiv des CTIF, Museum des CTIF, weitere Aktivitäten
6. Verschiedenes
Im Anschluss an die 20. Sitzung unserer Kommission findet die 25.Tagung der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft vom 4.10. (abends) bis 7.10. ebenfalls in Pribyslav statt.
Ich hoffe, dass Sie an der 20.Sitzung und an der 25.Tagung teilnehmen können.
Mit der Bitte um Anmeldung zur Kommissionssitzung an verbleibe ich mit kameradschaftlichen Grüßen
Peter Schmid
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ctif2017_einladung_und_tagesordnung.pdf | 129.13 KB |
First practical training of the Hazmat commission of CTIF
During the 2016 meeting in Croatia, the Hazardous commission decided to organize common practical trainings.
The first one took place, the last 1st and 2nd march 2017, in the French Mulhouse fire station and was managed by the Radiological unit of Upper Rhine Fire Department.
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article_ctif_practical_training_v2.docx | 3.36 MB |
Spring meeting May, 2nd – 4th
Program overview
May, 2: arrival at Lisbon International Airport, transfer to the hotel by Portuguese fire brigade;
May, 3: Commission’s spring meeting in one of the Fire Stations in the area;
May, 4: SEGUREX 17 Congress: presentations by our commission members;
May, 5: transfer to the airport by Portuguese fire brigade
Draft agenda meeting
ISO project & Euro N Cap project;
Attack gas cylinders and conclusions;
New items
New members presentation;
UAV: present and future realizations;
Solar panels;
Energy Storage Systems;
Self-driving vehicles;
FIA Meeting Finland;
Euro NCAP milestones
Extrication challenge Czech Republic;
Technical requirements rules and standards for construction and isntallation gas facilities and installations
High Voltage Batteries: vehicles and power walls: information for first and second responders.
Major Tom Van Esbroeck
CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology
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ctif_program_portugal.docx | 332.93 KB |
Presentations and meeting minutes from 2016 meeting
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mom_2016_meeting.doc | 235 KB |
foca_news_ctif_helsinki_2016.pdf | 1.15 MB |
liio_helsinki.pdf | 1.48 MB |
praesentation_z_class_en.pdf | 3.63 MB |
presentation_iftc_levage.pdf | 5.44 MB |
Hazardous Materials Commission 48th meeting Athens, Greece
Dear Representative!
On behalf of the Greece Association, we hereby formally invite you to the 48th CTIF Hazardous Materials Commission meeting.
The meeting will take place from 23rd - 26th November 2016 in Athens, Greece.
We will discuss the standard items of the commission (lessons learned and national reports) and also the products of the working groups.
The following topics from our last meetings will be also taken up by us in Athens.
- UN Dangerous Goods regulation, future steps and needs
- Tactics with gas cylinders, i.e. Acetylene
- Response to LNG incidents
- EU project cooperations
- Ban on fluorinated foams
- HERCA - WENRA cooperation
- Telematics, future development, electronic paper
- Education and training courses for hazmat and CBRN,...
The organizers will put together a very interesting study program including visits with the local authorities in order to take advantage of our time in Athens.
A definitive proposal of schedule is being worked on and will be forthcoming.
Best regards and a nice summer!
Roman Sykora
Katerina Sfyri
Organisation Fall Meeting
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ctif_invitation_48thmeeting_athens_v1_2.docx | 180.86 KB |